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Tag Archives: Great Dane puppies

Isaiah’s Five Month “Chair Pic” and an Update :)

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As promised, here is the 5 month old Isaiah “chair picture!”   Hard to believe how fast this boy is growing!

Isaiah's "chair pic" of May 2014

Isaiah’s “chair pic” of May 2014

He’s doing well with his training too!  I have him in a group class so he can learn while being around other dogs in a class situation. Even us trainers like to have our dogs experience what we recommend for our own students and clients! 🙂  When training puppies, you want them to have good experiences in as many different places, around as many different dogs and people as possible.  It’s all a vital part of socializing them.  Just because they’re good with the dogs at your house or around your friends or families dogs, does not translate to them doing well with other dogs that they might meet out in public.  They need to practice meeting new dogs on a regular basis in lots of various places.  It’s more about the act of meeting the new dogs (and people) than it is the actual dogs (or people) themselves.

Isaiah is currently in an Intermediate level group class and doing great!  Plus, I just started him in a dance class (yes, I said dance class….) yesterday!  Can’t wait to see how THAT goes!  ha ha!   We’re doing it for fun and for the simple experience of it all.  Even dogs like to have fun and dance sometimes!

If you’ve ever taken a dance class with your dog, leave me a comment about your experience!  I’d love to hear all about it!

I told ya…. you never know what these boys will do next! 🙂



Then they went crazy and added two more!

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I’ve had puppy fever for over a year now.  Great Dane puppy fever.  Yeah…. that’s a big puppy to take on.  My beloved Streifen is four years old now – as of March 8th – so yeah… it’s been a while since I’ve done the whole puppy thing.  Being able to take care of other people’s Great Dane puppies when they board them with us has helped tremendously, but well… there’s nothing quite like having your very own.  I fought it long and hard.  I truly did cause I knew my husband wasn’t all that thrilled with the idea of having three Great Danes.  However, I lost the battle this year (2014).  In a big way.

I lost the puppy battle, but a puppy who we named Isaiah, hit the family jackpot!  At least, we think he did 🙂   I have a sneaking suspicion that he agrees!

Isaiah is part European and American Great Dane, which means he’s going to be a big boy.  He’s 5 month’s old now and already over 80 pounds!  Here’s a few pics….

Isaiah at 3 months

Isaiah at 3 months

Isaiah at 4 months

Isaiah at 4 months


Isaiah's first "chair pic" in March 2014

Isaiah’s first “chair pic” in March 2014

Isaiah's "chair pic" of April 2014

Isaiah’s “chair pic” of April 2014

The “chair pic”, as we call it, started out as a “see how big he is compared to Streifen at the same age” kind of thing and has just become something we look forward to each month.  It’s actually time to take it again so I’ll have to post May’s “chair pic” when we take the next one!

So, you’ve met our adorable Isaiah now…. 🙂

Well, apparently puppy fever hits me seriously bad once it hits cause we actually ended up with TWO Great Dane puppies…. though the 2nd one wasn’t exactly planned…

It all started with a Craigslist ad for a FREE Dane.  A friend of mine that does a lot of rescue ran across this ad and contacted the guy.  The guy told her he didn’t have time for questions or anything else and that if she wanted this dog she’d better just come on and get him.  😦   Our biggest fear was that dog fighters would get to him.

So, she drove to Columbus, GA and saved this poor fella.  He was 8 months old then and in pretty horrible condition.  He has a large tumor on his front elbow and several small tumors inside his neck that you can’t see, but can feel.  His hair is very very thin in many places, which the guy said was because of some new bedding he put in the dogs pen.  Apparently, the poor baby had to live in this small pen pretty much all the time.  His eyes were all infected and red and gooey.  And… he was scared to death of everything.  He was over 100 lbs and he had to be picked up and put in the car due to his fear.

Heartbroken doesn’t begin to express the sadness I felt when I first met this boy.  My friend brought him to our house to stay for a couple of weeks, so we had him from his first night away from that horrible place he’d had to call home for so many months.  We were standing in the kitchen looking him over and my friend was telling me about the “sketchy” neighborhood he’d come out of and it hit me… Sketch!  His name should be Sketch!  And the name has fit… for all kinds of reasons besides his original neighborhood.

He was so scared… of everything.  I honestly looked at this poor boy and couldn’t imagine him being a puppy at all.  He acted more like an old dog.  However…. I reckon my little girl has some of what my husband calls “doggy dna” in her cause it wasn’t long and she had this boy ready to go and confront the world… as long as she’s by him!  You could say that this boy sketched his love right on her heart and hers right on his too!   They became inseparable and well… we got our 2nd Great Dane puppy!

Sketch 8 months old

Sketch 8 months old

He and Isaiah became great friends and brothers!  Even Streifen and Suki (our other two Danes) enjoy goofing off with “the boys” as they are so often called now!   You seldom find Isaiah without Sketch or Sketch without Isaiah (and my daughter lol).

Isaiah and Sketch - April 2014

Isaiah and Sketch – April 2014

Kinda scary when I think about the fact that in this picture, Isaiah is 5 months old and Sketch is 9 months old!!!  Isaiah looks almost as big as Sketch here!  And he’s honestly not too far off…   He’s gonna be a big ole boy!

Yep, so that’s how we went crazy and added, not one, but, TWO Great Dane puppies to our family!

We are enjoying them so very much!  They bring a boat load of laughter and fun to our family.  Isaiah loves to get in any chair that he even thinks I might sit in, regardless of size….. his or the chair!  Sketch now bounds all over the house in pure joy, playing and romping with his brothers or with his little girl.  You can’t stay sad or down for long around that fella cause he sure shows you the simple things in life are worth smiling over.

Now our goal with them is to let them both give back a little and we want to give some back too…  God gave us their amazingness and we want to use it to help other people find their smiles too!  We’re going to train them into “therapy dogs!”  🙂

Check back for training and other fun stories of Isaiah and Sketch!  There’s no telling what the boys will do next!


Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around The Old Oak Tree…. Or….

around your dog’s leash if he/she is reactive, or needs space, for any reason.   I love this new idea that’s sweeping around the block these days!

Three of our six dogs have some issues with reactivity.   One is an itty bitty boy (Max) that has had a serious fear of men and strangers since we adopted him.  He came to us with these issues and though we’ve worked with him over the years, we finally had to accept the fact that he’s always going to react negatively to men and people he’s not sure of and it’s up to us to simply protect him and the people he fears most.

Then we got an Australian Shepherd (Raider) from a breeder who had tossed him out into her yard and ignored him completely, outside of giving him the extreme basics of food and water.  He “made the mistake” of having too much white on his ears to be sold as a show dog…  seriously.  *sigh * He was terrified of everything due to six months of being completely ignored!  And I do mean everything.  Everything was a struggle with him, but with training and lots of love he’s a different dog than the one we originally picked up.  However, he has issues with dogs, on leash, that he meets away from home and will growl and snap if they come too close too quickly.  If he’s given some time and they’re not super energetic, then he can accept them.  At home, where he’s comfortable, he’s fine meeting new friends.  He also has had issues with the people at vet’s offices.  It’s a scary place to him!  Once they’re done with his vaccinations, or whatever they’re doing, then he’s fine, but until then and during the exam, I prefer him to be muzzled.  It’s taken a lot of working with him to get him to be okay with them after they’re done with “the scary stuff”, and we’re happy with that – if he can’t ever be un-muzzled during the exam, then we accept him that way.  We also have to watch him around strangers if we’re out at a park or someplace else.  It doesn’t take too much to scare him or make him feel the need to protect us, so we’re always watchful of who and what is around us.  When I take him to work with me, he’s perfectly fine with the people he meets because that’s always been fun for him, but meeting new dogs there is a different story.  Once he’s met them at home, he remembers them when he sees them out and is fine.

Last, but not one bit the least… is our Great Dane, Streifen.  You may have read about him… ha ha 🙂    Sadly, he’s the more sensitive sort of Great Dane and developed some intense fears of strangers pretty young.  Small children are particularly scary to him.   Taking him to work with me where he was around large amounts of people turned out to not be a  good way to socialize him due to his sensitivities.  Too many people in the general public are scared of the giant breeds of dogs, we discovered the hard way.  It won’t always stop them from wanting to approach them either… nope… they’ll approach and ask to pet them and then scream bloody murder in your dogs face, out of the blue…  Yes, they sure will.  Why?  I haven’t a clue, but they do that.  They’ll also let their terrified child scream in your dog’s face when you least expect it and laugh…. Laugh at their child’s terror and the terror your dog feels.  Crazy – yet true.  Streifen was my first Great Dane and I had ZERO idea that they were quite this sensitive/nervous of new situations.  Once I caught on to the fact that he was seriously being scared to the point of it doing damage, I quit taking him to the store I work in.  I kept hoping he’d have more good experiences than bad, but it just wasn’t working out that way.  We often dog sit for people at our house too and it only took one dog meeting to go wrong to do it’s damage in him with meeting new dogs.  He had loved all other dogs until that one bad meeting where a chocolate lab didn’t want to be friends and reacted poorly to him wanting to play.  So now he has issues with new people, small children, and other big dogs.  Made walks with him a bit difficult at best.  So, I decided to walk him only in places where I could control the distance of other people and their dogs so he could still get his exercise and yet not suffer the results of up close meetings.

Having a “yellow ribbon” tied to his leash to warn others to not approach could be a wonderful thing for him – for all three of my fearful/reactive dogs.   I would seriously like to see this information get passed around so that everyone, even people that don’t own dogs, will know what a yellow ribbon means.  It could make a huge difference to the people and their beloved pets that have issues (of any type) or that are learning to be service dogs.  Education is the key!


I agree completely with Jessica Dolce when she says, “DINOS are GOOD dogs, they just need space!”  

DINOS: Dogs in Need of Space

The Yellow Dog Project – Some Dogs Need Space! 

His Name is Streifen

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and basically…. He owns us  – his family.  Most people own their dogs, but it’s kinda weird with Streifen. It just seems more appropriate to say he “owns” us.  Because of this little fact, I thought it would be nice to introduce you (my readers) to him early on in the life of this blog.  So here is the story of Streifen and how he came to be such a HUGE part of my (and my family’s) life and take over so completely.

Being a dog trainer, I’m around lots and lots of different breeds of dogs and I fall in love with the majority of them.  One day a lady, her daughter, and their puppy walked into a Puppy Class that I was to teach.  Little did I know,  from that point on, my life and the lives of everyone in my family, would be forever changed – all because of that little blue spotted Great Dane puppy aptly named Sky.

Sky was around 4 months old when they started class with her and boy was she CUTE!  Great Dane puppies are just adorable cause they’re all legs and ears for the longest time.

Sky at four and a half months

Miss Sky when she was around four months old.

People get to know me when they’re in one of my classes and they learn really quick that I truly love dogs and care for them as if they were my own children.  This often leads to me “babysitting” their dogs for them when they want to go on vacation and don’t want their beloved furry child sitting in a crate at a boarding facility or vets office.  And it led to that with Sky, which led to me falling hopelessly in love with both her, and Great Danes in general.   It wasn’t long at all before I KNEW I had to have one!  Had to.  Just. Had. To.

Approximately a year later, Sky’s furry mother and father were bred again and well… yeah – I HAD to have one out of this litter.  Had to. Just. Had. To.

Streifen 3 wk puppy

Daddy and his boy

And so my dear husband agreed and we picked out our boy from the litter when he was a tiny 2 weeks old.  We knew one thing, and that was that we wanted a boy.  When we looked over all the puppies available from the litter we immediately recognized the fact that this little fella had a stripe straight down his nose, just like his big sister, Sky.  That was it.  Love at first sight – for all of us.

We had picked out our gorgeous puppy, but what to name him?  We knew we wanted a German name, since Great Danes are actually German Mastiffs, but we didn’t want a typical German name – like Hitler or something.  Oh no.  And I prefer unique names, when possible…   So the consulting with friends started and the search for the perfect name to give to our brand new baby boy was on!   Back and forth, and on and on, and finally, my best friend found the PERFECT name for him – Streifen!  Pronounced with a long i.  The word Streifen is the German name for stripe – and a stripe is what both he and his gorgeous older sister have straight down their noses.  Maybe it’s just me, but I thought that a more perfect name would be impossible to find.


8 weeks and growing every day!

And my little baby boy grew…


Streifen and his big sister, Sky

And he grew some more.  He and his big sis, Sky, loved getting to hang out together when we “babysat” her.

The bigger he became, the stronger the hold he took on all of our hearts.

first bday

First Birthday!

And yes, we did have a real birthday party for him, complete with a cake, presents, and hats – which he is proudly wearing in the above photo.

There is just something about a Great Dane that steals your heart so completely.  You’re the owner of a puppy one day and then before you know you’re owned by that same puppy and you know that you’ll never be the same.


Streifen – 1 1/2 years old and still growing…

So, now you know a little bit about the boy who holds our hearts in his, not so little, paw.  This won’t be the last time you’ll hear about him though… One thing people discover rather quickly about me is that Streifen is one of my most favorite subjects!   He brings us such joy that we like to be able to share little bits of him when we can.  🙂


Streifen sitting in Daddy’s lap – 2 years old

Do you have a dog you adore?  Comment and let me hear about them!